Friday, November 29, 2019

Loss Causation Model free essay sample

Loss Causation Model BY ds11969 Loss Causation Model History, Theory Application Before a loss occurs (Injury, illness, damage, loss in process), there are series of events that take place with a root cause that begins this series of events. The root cause is called a Lack of Control (Inadequate standards, lack of compliance for preparedness, knowledge and skill training, etc). This leads to a basic cause (or personal factor) such as lack of knowledge, stress, inadequate capabilities. This in turn leads to an immediate cause (substandard conditions and actions) such as perating without authority, working under the influence of controlled substances, inadequate barriers. This then leads to an Incident a fall, a strike, stress, or being in contact with an unfriendly environment. The incidence leads to the loss. The concept of the Loss Causation Model hence is that when a loss occurs, we need to go back that chain, realize that the root cause is not the incident or the immediate cause, and solve the problem from the root cause in order to prevent the loss from reoccurring. We will write a custom essay sample on Loss Causation Model or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are numerous accident and loss causation models in existence. The two that will be discussing in this report will be H. W. Heinrichs Domino Theory and the ILCI Loss Causation Model. Loss causation models are used as models for safety and accident prevention theory. Loss causation models provide a direction of focus for the individual interested in reducing injuries in an organization. Heinrichs principles date back to 1932 and encourage focusing on near misses instead of injury-related incidents to prevent significant losses from occurring. The International Loss Control Institute developed their own model in 1985, the ILCI Loss Causation model, to provide users a tool to control the vast majority of accidents and loss control roblems. The ILCI model encourages focusing on development of standards, the measurement and evaluation of standards to ensure they are being followed through by members of the organization, and the continuous update of standards to provide a means to prevent injuries in an organization. A more detailed account of each of these loss causation models follows starting with Heinrichs theory. Heinrichs Domino Theory of Loss Causation In his 1932 book Industrial Accident Prevention, H. W. Heinrich wrote that there are five factors in the accident sequence: * The first factor is the social environment nd ancestry. Traits such as recklessness, stubbornness, avariciousness, and other undesirable character traits may be passed along through inheritance. * The second factor is the fault of the person. This factor states that inherited or acquired traits of the person; such as violent temper, lack of consideration, ignorance of safe practice, etc. are responsible for the person committing unsafe acts or allowing the existence of mechanical or physical hazards. * The third factor is the unsafe act and/or mechanical or physical hazard. Unsafe acts include standing under uspended loads, failure to adhere to lock-out/tag-out policy, horseplay, and removal of safeguards. Mechanical or physical hazards include such items as unguarded machinery, unguarded pinch points, and insufficient light. * The fourth factor is flying objects, being caught in machinery, or coming into contact with high energy sources. The fifth and last factor is the injury. Injuries include fractures, lacerations, etc. , that result directly from accidents (Heinrich, 1932). Heinrich then arranges these five factors in a domino fashion such that the fall of the first domino results in the fall of the entire row. The domino arrangement illustrates Heinrichs notion that each factor leads to the next with the end result being the injury. It also illustrates that if one of the factors (dominos) is removed, the sequence is unable to progress and the injury will not occur. While it may be difficult or impossible to change a persons attitude (the first and second domino), proper supervision can guide the persons behavior so that they do not perform a substandard act or allow a substandard condition to exist (the third domino) which leads to an accident (the fourth domino) that leads to an injury (the fifth and final domino). Heinrich also developed a pyramid shaped model to explain the relationship of near-miss accidents to minor injuries and major injuries. Heinrichs pyramid states that for every 300 near-miss incidents, there will be 29 minor injuries, and 1 major injury. This pyramid summarizes Heinrichs belief that-near miss incidents must be prevented in order to eliminate the possibility of reaching each successive level of the pyramid. Figure 1 depicts Heinrichs pyramid. While the terminology and thinking found in Heinrichs Domino Theory of Accident Prevention are dated, the process remains worth review. Properly training employees and managers insures that the management system is working in concert with employees to reduce the occurrence of near misses that, in turn, reduces the opportunity for more severe injuries to occur. A major flaw with Heinrichs model is that it relies on a single cause that leads to an incident. Rarely is an incident the product of a single cause; more likely, an incident is the result of several factors that occurred simultaneously to produce the incident or loss. A more up to date and complete model of loss causation is the ILCI Loss Causation Model that dates to 1985. Where Heinrich focused on reducing the ncidence of near misses, the ILCI model focuses on development of performance standards and enforcement of standards to ensure that employees are performing their work in a safe manner. With emphasis on performance standards, the ILCI model takes a proactive approach to loss prevention and suggests that losses are due to a breakdown in these standards. A closer look at the ILCI model follows. ILCI Loss Causation Theory * Inadequate Management control * Basic causes: personal vs. Job factors * Immediate causes: substandard acts/ conditions * Near hit/accident: contact with energy, substance, and/or people * Loss: people, roduct, service, equipment, facility, and/or environment The International Loss Control Institute has developed the ILCI Loss Causation Model. Like Heinrichs Domino Theory, the ILCI model is based on a sequence of events that leads up to an eventual loss. The events in sequential order are Lack of control, Basic causes, Immediate Causes, Incident/Contact, and Loss. Each event has a role in continuing the loss process to its conclusion, the Loss. To facilitate a better understanding of the ILCI model, the events will be reviewed in reverse, starting from Control (inadequate program or inadequate compliance to standards). To begin, Loss is the result of an accident. Loss can be direct or indirect, both of which must be considered to fully appreciate the impact to a company. Direct loss includes some or all of the following; harm to people, damage to property, or a reduction/halt in productivity. Indirect costs may include, but are not limited to, increased training costs to replace injured employees, legal expenses, investigation time, and loss of business due to unfavorable press. The ILCI Loss Causation Model estimates that for every dollar of direct loss, the indirect costs may be six to fifty-three times as much. Both direct and indirect costs of injury and illness are deducted directly out of profit; conversely, when dollars are saved from accidents the organization realizes increased profits . Prior to the Loss, the Incident occurs that may or may not result in injury to a person or damage to property. A person or object is able to absorb a given amount of energy without harm, however, when the amount of energy exceeds the amount that may be safely absorbed, injury or damage results. This not only applies to an objects kinetic energy that contacts the person or property, but also electrical nergy, acoustic energy, thermal energy, radiant energy, and chemical energy. The American Standard Accident Classification code lists some of the more common types of energy transfers which include: Struck against (running or bumping into) Struck by (hit by moving object) Fall to lower level (either the body falls or the object falls and hits the body) Fall on same level (slip and fall, tip over) Caught in (pinch and nip points) Caught on (snagged, hung) Caught between (crushed or amputated) Contact with (electricity, heat cold, radiation, caustics, toxics, noise) Overstress/ verexertion/overload Continuing up the chain of the ILCI model, Immediate Causes precede the Incident. Immediate Causes are subdivided further into substandard practices and substandard conditions. While Heinrich used the term unsafe act or conditions to describe the direct cause of injuries, use of the term unsafe has fallen out of favor with current trends in accident prevention. The term unsafe calls the organizations ability to identify obvious problems into question, a potential problem in todays litigious society. The term substandard acknowledges that organizations have tandards of performance that are to be followed by all employees and is the accepted term used today. When substandard conditions and/or practices are allowed to occur in a facility, there is always the potential for an energy transfer that is beyond the persons/ob]ects ability to absorb without damage. To clarify substandard practices and substandard conditions, the following examples are provided: Examples of substandard practices would include: Operating equipment without authority Improper loading Horseplay Under influence of alcohol and/or other drugs Examples of substandard conditions would include: Ђ Defective tools, equipment or materials Poor housekeeping; disorderly workplace Inadequate ventilation Prior to the Immediate Cause of the loss are the Basic Causes. Basic Causes must be identified and addressed to allow a more effective control of losses. The Basic Causes help to explain why people perform substandard acts or allow substandard conditions to exist. The ILCI model divides the Basic Causes into two categories, personal factors and Job factors. Personal factors include lack of knowledge, skill, or inability to handle pressures of the Job while Job factors include such items as nadequate training, inappropriate equipment and tools, worn equipment and tools, or inadequate equipment and tools. Lack of Control is the initial step that leads to Basic Causes and allows the sequence to proceed to the eventual loss. According to the ILCI model, there are three common reasons for lack of control; inadequate safety/loss program, inadequate safety/loss program standards, and inadequate compliance with standards. First, an inadequate program occurs when there are too few program activities to address the needs of an organization. Necessary programs will vary depending on the size of the organization, work performed at the rganization, and the methods to perform the work. Common elements of an effective program according to the ILCI model include management and employee training, personal protective equipment, engineering controls, planned inspections, task analysis, emergency preparedness, and incident investigations. Second, inadequate program standards occur when organizations standards are not specific enough, not clear enough, or are not high enough. Program standards need to let people know what is expected of them as well as provide them with a tool to measure their performance against the standard. Third, inadequate compliance is a factor that leads to Lack of Control. Most managers agree that inadequate compliance is probably the single greatest reason for loss. Poor compliance with effective program standards is due to ineffective communication of standards to employees or a failure to enforce standards . ln summary, the ILCI Loss Causation Model indicates that losses begin with a lack of control. With a lack of control, basic causes such as lack of training or inadequate tools and equipment are allowed to occur/exist. These basic causes lead to the immediate causes, which are the existence of a substandard ondition or the performance of a substandard practice. Immediate causes lead to the incident itself, and conclude with the loss. The loss may be to people, property, product, the environment, or the organizations ability to provide its services. It is important to note that it is not the intent of the ILCI model to place blame on individuals for committing substandard acts or for allowing substandard conditions to exist, but rather to encourage managers to evaluate the management system that influences human behavior. Punishment should never be inflicted as the result of an accident investigation . By punishing the employee; attention is shifted away from the management system that allowed the loss to occur in the first place. The ILCI model starts with a lack of control. Control is within the four essential functions of management, which are to plan, lead, control, and organize. Taking this into consideration, it may be summarized that a loss is indicative of a failure on questions, the lack of control in the management system may be identified and addressed to prevent the sequence of events from occurring that leads to the eventual loss. As detailed in the ILCI model and H. W.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Drie Slechte Schaatsers Essay Example

Drie Slechte Schaatsers Essay Example Drie Slechte Schaatsers Essay Drie Slechte Schaatsers Essay 1. Tijd en ruimte: 1.1. Wanneer speelt heated boek zich af? Waaraan merk je digital audiotape? Het boek speelt zich af in heated heden. Wouter speelt videospelletjes Er wordt gereisd met heated vliegtuig 1.2. Is de tijd hier belangrijk? Waarom wel/niet? Nee, want er gebeurt niks bijzonders in het verhaal wat zich absoluut nergens anders zou kunnen afspelen. Hiermee bedoel ik digital audiotape Er niet zoiets in het boek voorkomt ALSs de 2e wereldoorlog 1.3. Zou dot verhaal ook in een andere tijd kunnen spelen? Waarom wel/niet? De tijd kan niet heel erg veranderen, want er zitten duidelijke verwijzingen naar het heden in het verhaal. Zo speelt Wouter videospelletjes nut wordt Er gereisd met heated vliegtuig. Maar er worden geen jaartallen gebruikt dus de tijd staat niet echt vast. Als je kijkt naar de realiteit zou 1997 het meest logisch is, omdat toen de laatste Elfstedentocht is gereden. 1.4. Waar speelt heated verhaal zich af? ( noem de belangrijkste ruimtes ) Het verhaal speelt zich in heated Begin af in Isra A ; euml ; cubic decimeter in Tel Aviv, waar hoofdpersoon Pieter met zijn tienjarige zoon Wouter op vakantie is. Het grootste gedeelte new wave het verhaal af in Amsterdam waar Pieter woont en Hilversum waar Pieters ed-vrouw Elleke woont. En de plaatsen waar ze schaatsen. De genoemde plaatsen waar hij schaatst zijn Ankeveense Plassen en het Naardermeer. Nog een aantal genoemde plaatsen dice wel in het boek genoemd worden maar geen die niks toevoegen aan het verhaal zijn onder andere Amsterdam, Ransdorper en Zuiderwoude. 1.5. Is de ruimte hier belangrijk? Waarom wel/niet? De ruimtes spelen geen rol in het verhaal. Ze zijn slechts een decor bedoeld om het verhaal Te illustreren en hebben cistron symbolische betekenis 2. De wijze new wave vertellen 2.1. Wat is de vertelde tijd in het boek? De vertelde tijd is vijf dagen ( aan het einde new wave het boek telt hoofdpersoon Pieter de dagen na ) . Het boek begint op 4 januari en eindigt op 8 januari 2.2. Wat is de verteltijd in het boek? De vertelde tijd is 46 bladzijden 2.3. Is heated boek hoofdzakelijk chronologisch of niet-chronologisch? Het boek is compleet chronologisch. Er zitten enkele flashbacks in het boek, maar dice hebben geen invloed op verhaal 2.4. Geef een voorbeeld new wave een stukje uit het boek waar chronologisch verteld wordt. 2.5. Geef een voorbeeld new wave een stukje uit het boek waar niet-chronologisch verteld wordt. 2.6. Op welke manier begint het boek? ( ab ovo, in medias RESs of station paradoxical sleep ) . Neem een stukje tekst new wave het begin new wave het boek over en motiveer je antwoord. Het is chronologische en begint dus Ab Ovo. 2.7. Welke verteller is in het boek hoofdzakelijk aan het woord? ( De ik-verteller, personale verteller of de auctoriale, alwetende, verteller ) . Motiveer je antwoord. Het volledige verhaal wordt gezien door de ogen van een personale verteller met Pieter ALSs hoofdpersoon. Je Kent de gevoelens en gedachten van hoofdpersoon Pieter met ziet het verhaal niet door zijn ogen. Dit is te zien omdat Er nooit iets wordt gezegd door een ik-persoon nut Er geen sprake is alwetende verteller dice gebeurtenissen uit de toekomst vertelt. 3. Spanning: 3.1. Maak een spanningsgrafiek new wave het boek 3.2.benoem bij iedere belangrijke gebeurtenis ( van de x-as ) het bijbehorende spanningsniveau ( y-as ) . Geef de belangrijkste gebeurtenissen een nummer, maar leg ook in woorden uit wat deze gebeurtenis inhoudt. Zie voor verdere informatie over de grafiek de aantekeningen uit de les. De ontknoping new wave het verhaal op de schaatsbaan. Pieter komt erachter digital audiotape dice dekagram, 8 januari, hun trouwdag. Hier komt het hele verhaal rain trees In de inleiding, waar vrij weinig spanning is. Dit is heated minute waarop Elleke belt om hem Te vertellen digital audiotape ze digital audiotape weekend langskomen om te gaan schaatsen Het minute waarop Elleke en Wouter bij Pieter Aankomen 4. Thema en motieven: 4.1. Wat is heated onderwerp new wave het boek? Het onderwerp van het boek is heated de liefde tussen Elleke en Pieter. Hun degelijke liefde zonder hartstocht, waarbij ze uit elkaar gingen zonder echte reden, omdat het erbij hoorde 4.2. Wat is heated thema new wave het boek? Het thema is toeval. Dat niets onmogelijk is. Dat hoe Klein de kans ook is, de kans is er. Wouter en Pieter vragen zich af hoe groot de kans is dat een Z in een woestijngebied dichtvriest, en hoe groot de kans is dat Er een Jezusspelletje uit de hemel komt vallen. Tien jaar voor het boek opent fantaseert Pieter hoe groot de kans is dat Elleke, Pieter en Wouter Hun rondje op het ijs ooit zullen afmaken. De bedoeling new wave het hele verhaal is gewoon duidelijk maken dat niets onmogelijk is. 4.3. Welke motieven zijn Er in het boek? Noem ze en leg uit waarom dot motieven zijn. Een motief is liefde. Liefde is eigenlijk een leidmotief ; de toeval betreft de nogal ongewone liefde tussen Elleke en Pieter Een tweede motief is sport. Sport is erg belangrijk voor Pieter. Het vind heated erg belangrijk digital audiotape hij met zijn vrouw en zoontje ooit het rondje schaatsen afmaakten 5. Personages: 5.1. Noem de hoofdpersonen uit het boek. Het verhaal heeft maar drie personen ; Elleke, Wouter en Pieter. Pieter is de hoofdpersoon, het type. De band tussen de drie personages is een familieband. Dan wel een familieband tussen gescheiden ouders, want ik heb niet het idee digital audiotape de hoofdpersonen veel ruzie met elkaar hebben of iets dergelijks. Pieter:Ik schat dat hij ongeveer 40 jaar is, aangezien zijn vrouw veertig is en zijn sort tien. Hij fantaseert over onmogelijk gebeurtenissen, digital audiotape heeft hij new wave zijn zoon Wouter. Hij is een denker, in heated boek komt hij niet naar voren ALSs een spontaan persoon. Ik geloof niet digital audiotape hij kwade bedoelingen heeft, Pieter wil maar A ; eacute ; A ; eacute ; n ding, en digital audiotape is zijn gezin terug bij elkaar krijgen. Over de twee andere personages is helaas niet veel Te schrijven, je komt weinig over hen Tes weten. Elleke:Een veertigjarige vrouw, die gescheiden is van Pieter. Zij is de voornaamste opvoeder new wave Wouter. Ook zij koestert geen haatgevoelens tegen haar ex-man. De secret plan op de achterkant vind ik daarmee een perfecte keuze: Mooie vrouw is dat, die net naar je knikte. Is dat je vrouw? Mijn ex. Je ex? Dat zou je niet zeggen. Ze lijkt wel gewoon je vrouw. Hoe is heated dan uit geraakt tussen jullie? Dat was heated gekke ; hij kon niets bedenken waarmee hij digital audiotape in een paar zinnen zou kunnen zeggen. Waarom was heated eigenlijk uit? Misschien omdat ze hadden gedacht digital audiotape digital audiotape Er nu eenmaal bij hoorde. Je ontmoette elkaar, je werd verliefd op elkaar, en dan ging je weer uit elkaar. Dat waren de zekerheden, alleen voor de invulling mocht je zelf nog wat bedenken Wouter:Het tienjarige zoontje new wave Pieter nut Elleke. Wouter wil subsequently computerspellenbedenker worden. Hij is heated er met zijn vader over eens dat niets onmogelijk is en fantaseert over ( on ) mogelijke gebeurtenissen 5.2. Welke relatie hebben ze tot elkaar? 5.3. Beschrijf iedere hoofdpersoon aan de manus van 3 karaktereigenschappen. 6. Titel, ondertitel en slogan: 6.1. Noem de titel van het boek. 6.2. Verklaar de titel. 6.3. Heeft het boek een ondertitel? Zo ja, welke? 6.4. Heeft het boek een slogan? Zo ja, schrijf hier voluit het slogan op. Hoofdstuk 2: De recensie Op ELO vind je excess informatie en 2 voorbeelden new wave een recensie. Deze worden hier ook toegelicht. Lees deze excess informatie goed door! Houd je bij het schrijven van de recensie aan de volgende voorwaarden: Let erop dat je je recensie een titel meegeeft, maar niet de titel van het boek! De recensie beslaat ongeveer A ; eacute ; A ; eacute ; n kantje A-4 in Word, lettergrootte 10 12. Minimaal 350 woorden ( Dat is de eigenlijke recensie zonder minisamenvatting ) . Meer mag natuurlijk gerust. Je moet in het middenstuk new wave je recensie minimaal drie verschillende soorten argumenten gebruiken new wave de in de les besproken argumenten, te weten: Interpretatieve argumenten/thematische argumenten. Technische argumenten/structurele argumenten. Morele argumenten. Realistische argumenten/geloofwaardigheid Didactische argumenten. Emotionele argumenten. Spanningsargumenten. ( zie de aantekeningen uit de les voor meer informatie met betrekking tot deze argumenten ) . Hoofdstuk 3: De persoonlijke beoordeling Antwoord in HELE zinnen! Het onderwerp Vond je het een interessant onderwerp? Waarom wel/niet? Was het onderwerp herkenbaar in je eigenbelevingswereld of juist niet? Waarom wel/niet? Had jezelf wel eens nagedacht over heated onderwerp of ben je door het boek juist aan het denken gezet? Waarom wel/niet? In hoeverre kwam het boek overeen met jouw gedachten of welke mening heb je over heated onderwerp gekregen? Waarom wel/niet? Werd het onderwerp oppervlakkig behandeld of had het voldoende diepgang? Waarom wel/niet? Wat zou je zeker hebben weggelaten, toegevoegd of veranderd? Waarom? Ken je boeken of movies die over hetzelfde onderwerp gaan? Welke? De gebeurtenissen Wat was heated belangrijkste in heated boek: de gebeurtenissen of de gevoelens en gedachten van de personen? Leg uit! Kwamen er te veel gebeurtenissen in voor of was heated aantal juist goed? Waarom wel/niet? Vond je de gebeurtenissen spannend, saai, opwindend, romantisch, fantastisch, triest, enzovoort? Waarom wel/niet? Vond je de gebeurtenissen geloofwaardig, toevallig of verrassend? Waarom wel/niet? Vonden Er schokkende gebeurtenissen in het boek plaats? Motiveer je antwoord! Riepen de gebeurtenissen bepaalde gevoelens bij je op? Waarom wel/niet? Hoe heb je de afloop ervaren? Motiveer je antwoord! De personen Kwam de hoofdpersoon levensecht over? Waarom wel/ niet? Kon je je goed inleven in de hoofdpersoon of juist niet? Waarom wel/ niet? Herkende je bepaalde eigenschappen new wave de hoofdpersoon in jezelf? Welke? Herkende je enkele personen in je Eigen leefwereld? Welke? Ben je door het gedrag new wave de hoofdpersoon beinvloed? Hoe komt digital audiotape? Welke eigenschappen new wave de hoofdpersoon waardeerde je positief en welke negatief? Zou je de hoofdpersoon anders laten handelen ALSs jij de auteur was geweest? Waarom wel/niet? De opbouw Vond je het verhaal moeilijk opgebouwd of kon je het vlot lezen? Waarom/waardoor? Als het lastig was om te lezen, kwam dat dan door het vertelperspectief of door de wisseling new wave tijd ( flashbacks ) ? Motiveer je antwoord! Zaten er delen in het boek dice je niet kon lezen omdat ze Te saai of onbegrijpelijk waren? Welke en waarom? Welke delen vond je spannend en kwamen die op het juiste minute? Waarom? Vond je de afloop onbegrijpelijk onbevredigend verrassend of flauw? Waarom? Het taalgebruik Vond je het taalgebruik ( woordkeuze en zinsbouw ) moeilijk of makkelijk? Waarom? Vond je digital audiotape de gebeurtenissen op een heldere wijze werden beschreven zodat je een goede voorstelling kon maken? Waarom wel/niet? Kwamen er veel of weinig dialogen in voor en werden ze op een natuurlijke wijze weergegeven? Motiveer je antwoord! Waren er zinnen of fragmenten in het boek dice je zou willen onthouden omdat ze goed, mooi, humoristisch, gevoelig of beeldend waren? Hoofdstuk 4: Beknopte verhaalanalyse en beoordeling Zie ELO voor een uitgewerkt voorbeeld!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The ideas of Michael Pollan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The ideas of Michael Pollan - Essay Example Specifically, Singer dissents the idea that animals should be treated according to their level of enduring pain than on their level of thinking it is because there are humans who have got lower capacities of thinking and thus this suggests that animals have the right to be treated like humans. Discussion In response to Peter Singer’s book, Michael Pollan argues with the idea of comparing humans to animals. Although Singer is aware of what rights the animals have, it does not mean that the level of consideration should be matched to how humans are treated. He had visited different farms and wrote the essay with conviction through the researchers that he made. Discussing a many points with regard to Singer’s point of view, Pollan is able to centralize the theme of his argument through defending that humans have higher level of consideration and rights than animals. Dissenting Singer’s comparison, Pollan offered a way on how to look at this point by saying that human’s level of existence is incomparable to the lower classes of creatures. Humans have specific set of rights from the animals and these ideas should be the first to put up. Treating animals the way they should be treated is a good thing though but it does not merely means that they should be treat ed like humans.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Not sure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Not sure - Essay Example Buddhism has a significant following in China since its introduction in the first century from India (Adler, 2002). It is based on the teachings, beliefs and practices of its founder, Siddhartha Gautama, widely known as Buddha. From its inception, Buddhism has existed under two main categories – the Theravada and Mahayana – and each had followers in different parts of Asia. Initially, Buddhism teachings and beliefs met a stiff resistance from the Chinese society due to its concept of monasticism and repugnance to social affairs. This beliefs and practices went against the traditional Chinese norms and standards. Buddhism was seen as retrogressive and barbaric practice that was a threat to the state authority; and that Buddhist monasteries were of no value to the economy of the state. As a way of making it appeal to the Chinese society, Buddhism concepts were matched to Taoism by the first Indian translators (Adler, 2002). Subsequently, it started to appeal to the elites and intellectuals, and a new genre of Buddhism was formed as an alternative to Taoism and Confucianism. Taoism is a belief and philosophical tradition that is based in living in harmony with Tao. Tao is a principle of â€Å"path† or â€Å"way† and is also found among other Chinese traditional religions and philosophies (Adler, 2002). ... This different schools are not institutionalized and do not forbid their followers from believing and practicing multiplicity of school’s of beliefs and philosophies including, Confucianism and Chinese folk religion. Chinese folk religions comprise of traditional beliefs system based on mythology that practice the worship of deities – clan, cities, national and cultural deities - and demigods. Folk religion in china has been classified with Taoism since mainstream Taoism has been trying to assimilate customary religions. Confucianism is a belief system based on ethics and philosophical teachings of Confucius. Confucianism has been the official state ideology of the country since the fall of the Qin dynasty (Adler, 2002). Traditional Chinese religions have been largely an individual focused beliefs and philosophy that never demand exclusive adherence of followers. Existence of religion in China before the influence of the West Religion in China existed in the form a beli ef systems developed by philosophers and other idealist based on the traditional Chinese folk religion. These belief systems were never forced upon the people and were adhered in order to realize high moral and intellectual understanding of life. Buddhism for instance, was introduced to china from India along the Silk Road region and to make it appeal to the Chinese society and political class, it had to assimilate traditional, folk practices (Adler, 2002). Some of the beliefs of traditional Chinese society fit the description of religious rites such as veneration of ancestors. This practice is aimed at showing a deceased family member respect and cements the family ties between the dead and

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dust bowl Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Dust bowl - Research Paper Example Henderson, a member of an affected farming family, describes the years before the storms came as a golden age ( 2001, page 15) In the 1930s though things changed dramatically. It became a period of scarce rainfall and high winds, both of which passed over the very light, over worked, soils of the region. The storms began in 1931. In 1932, as described by Ganzel (2003) 14 storms were recorded, and each year the number increased. Farmers however continued to plough and sow, destroying the established grassland. The drought which lasted from 1934 to 1937, affected 27 states according to Nelson (undated) and in the Dustbowl area poor farming practice meant that there were no longer plants whose roots had held the soil together. Black blizzards ensued, especially from the north. This was when the strong winds lifted the light, loose top soil and swirled it around into dense, choking dust clouds. In some area the dust was so dense it acted more like snow, forming high drifts, and even comp letely covering some farm buildings. The winds were so strong at times that they could move heavy trucks ( Hankel, quoted by Ganzel, 2003) with winds of more than 100 miles per hour. The cattle were choked, and even preparing or eating a meal became almost impossible. Carlson (( quoted by Ganzel , 2003) said that :- The impact is like a shovelful of fine sand flung against the face. †¦People caught in their own yards grope for the doorstep. Cars come to a standstill, for no light in the world can penetrate that swirling murk... We live with the dust, eat it, sleep with it, watch it strip us of possessions and the hope of possessions. It is becoming Real. The result for farmers and their families was that 60% of the population was forced to quit the area, leaving in many cases farms they had lived on for several generations. According to Nelson (undated ) the devastation lasted until the rains finally returned in 1939, but by then skilled workers had left for farm land elsewhere or for the cities of the distant West. The Government was well aware of the problems and did try to help over an extended period. In 1933 President Roosevelt brought in the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act and the Farm Credit Act ( Segraves, 2012) to help farmers facing foreclosure, in many cases because crops had failed and animals had died. In September of the same year the Federal Surplus Relief Organization was set up after a public outcry about the waste of such things as meat. Agricultural goods, including cotton clothing, were sent to relief organizations. The Taylor Grazing Act of 1934 allowed the government to nationalize large areas and then to control such things as grazing. This did a good job in halting any further deterioration caused by over farming methods, but did not actually reverse matters because the top soil was already lost. Nelson (undated) quotes from the Agricultural Year Book of 1934 :- Approximately 35 million acres of formerly cultivated land have essentiall y been destroyed for crop production. . . . 100 million acres now in crops have lost all or most of the topsoil; 125 million acres of land now in crops are rapidly losing topsoil. Early in 1935 the Government a Drought Relief Service designed to co-ordinate efforts from a number of agencies. This service bought up cattle from

Saturday, November 16, 2019

An Overview of Human Resources

An Overview of Human Resources Introduction: Human Resource Management is an offshoot of the management discipline, which emphasis on how to attract, hire, train, motivate and retain employees. Skilled employees become a cause of competitive advantage in this global village, who continually faces the turbulent environmental changes taking place in the business world. The researcher found that Human Resource practices are too important to have an impact on the achievements of organizational objectives in the world of competition (Khan, 2011). Human Resource is the back bone in managing the organizational resources and its performance efficiently and effectively. Better the human resource management, better the production of the organization. Managing the human capital effectively guarantees the right person at right place at the right time, which helps the organization to achieve its strategic objectives. Human resources of any business are vital assets who convert inputs up to finished goods, thus enhancing the profits by meeting the societal challenges and meeting the needs of society(Uddin 2014). The traditional act of personnel manager/HR manager as an HR administrator is inadequate for existence in this turbulent business world (Payne, 2010). In the present era HR manager should act as a business partner and HR manager simultaneously. Due to rapid changes in technology and excessive use of information technology, business has emerged in a global community and this emerging field has become a Global Strategic Management. This emerging meadow is the amalgamation of strategic management and global business environment which forms strategies globally, expanding the business across the territorial boundaries to compete globally(Johansson 2014). The human resource management of any setup, institution, firm, having ongoing turbulent milieu changes, is unable to be a stagnant phenomenon. By aligning the business strategies with the human resource management, the organization can obtain the competitive edge in the industry. Firm can optimally utilize the appropriate opportunities with the help of the strategic human resource management. Strategic amalgamation is a predictable requisite in creation of evenness between human resource strategy and organizational strategy. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) remained the utmost, authoritative and the most significant emerging concept in the arena of business and management during the past twenty-five years(Festing 2012; Dudin 2013). Strategic human resources are referred to the development of the strategies which can assist motivating employees to produce more quantity/better quality and performance. The concept of SHRM emerged and got popularity in the USA during late 90s(Lengnick-Hall, Lengnick-Hall et al. 2009). The importance of strategic human resource management in an organization cannot be overemphasized due to the fact that human beings are the pushing force behind any organization. In this respect, organizations must be able to implement well-planned and well-thought out strategic human resource ideas that will be transported out to coordinate and transmit the human capital into increased productivity. A strong human resource strategy will allow an organization to have a good relationship with its workers and to coexist peacefully and in a mutually beneficial manner with its host community. Convergence of HRM is supposed to be the effect of global rivalry, which demands more efficient and more effective solutions (Larsson 2013). Another example of organizational convergence is the movement toward Western-style organization. At times, a blueprint model for nonprofit organizations has been advanced, founded on the construction and funding of specific organizational structures. The ‘convergence hypothesis’ stated that ‘best management practices’ could be applied everywhere, irrespective of the different political, ideological and cultural environments. National culture can impact on organisational culture by the development of organisational values which are influenced by a manager’s basic assumptions that have been developed by their own sets of behaviours and norms. The differences in management practices should also be viewed in the same way as many scholars attribute this to the ‘country of origin effect’ which comes about through clashed between organisational factors and local culture (Aycan, 2005). The relation between globalization and convergence has been examined in various ways within the social sciences. Political scientists often show how globalization produces the convergence of political institutions, systems or political economies (Radice, 2000). A prominent economic approach has been to chart the convergence of markets and real wage dispersion (e.g. Alderson and Nielson, 2002). Divergence is about organizations who are maintaining their culturally based dissimilarities (McGaughey De Cieri, 1999). Webber (1969: Cited in Ralston, 2008, p. 29) defined divergence as socio-cultural influence is the driving force that will cause individuals from a society to retain the specific values system of the societal culture through time, regardless of other possible influences, such as technological, economic and political change. This research paper aims to Convergence and divergence issues in strategic management with the help of Balanced Scorecard in HR management and the sector in which we are going to investigate our model is banking sector of Pakistan. Banks play vital role in any society because they expressively subsidize in the expansion of an economy by accelerating the business. Banks similarly support the saving plans and other instruments of the government’s fiscal approach in their development. One function of banks is credit facility or provision, Credit energies economic actions by permitting companies to invest further than their current cash in hand, individuals to acquire homes, and also help governments to finance new infrastructure projects. Globalization and advancement in technology led banking sector to experience rapid transformations in last few decades. State Bank of Pakistan and private sector commercial banks and insurance companies set up their in-house TD establishments. Gradually, the leading universities set up Public Administration departments and with this developed the basic know-how among the industrialists about Human Resource Management. This led to the setting up of separate Human Resource Departments by not only the leading organizations, but also by the smaller ones. Dudin, A. Y. (2013). Challenges Facing the Application of Strategic Management in Arabic Business Organizations: The Case of Telecom Sector in Jordan. Editorial Advisory Board 37(1): 111-120. Festing, M. (2012). Strategic Human Resource Management in Germany: Evidence of Convergence to the US Model, the European Model, or a Distinctive National Model? The Academy of Management Perspectives 26(2): 37-54. Johansson, J. K. (2014). Brands in International Trade Theory. Multidisciplinary Insights from New AIB Fellows (Research in Global Strategic Management, Volume 16) Emerald Group Publishing Limited 16: 139-157. Larsson, O. S. (2013). Convergence in Ideas, Divergence in Actions. Administrative Theory Praxis 35(2): 271-289. Lengnick-Hall, M. L., C. A. Lengnick-Hall, et al. (2009). Strategic human resource management: The evolution of the field. Human Resource Management Review 19(2): 64-85. Uddin, M. N. (2014). HRM Practices in insurance companies:: a case study of Bangladesh. Journal of Accounting, Business Management 21(1): 1-11.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Function of Desire in Relationships Between a Man and a Youth Essay

The structure and function of different types of sexual relationships were an important part of Athenian culture, and many rules and traditions formed around these relationships based on the mores of society. The male citizens were considered the most important segment of the population, and many Greek writers address the cultural conventions, ideals, and beliefs that formed around these relationships. The three main types of sexual relationships that involved a male citizen are marriage, the relationship between a young man and an older mentor, and sexual encounters with prostitutes. Plato’s Symposium, a dialog on the nature of love and desire, describes many of the beliefs that Athenians held, especially about the relationship between a man and a youth. The main focus of this paper is the ideal function and place of desire in these male with male relationships, and the benefits this particular bond held for society. The socially accepted structure of these relationships between an Athenian man and youth was characterized by pursuit and courtship on the part of the man. He was to go after an attractive youth, hoping to make him his beloved [eromenos]. The older man was expected to be the aggressive partner, pursuing the youth out of his erotic desire. In turn, the beloved was expected to be the passive partner, rejecting the man’s advances for a respectable amount of time, and then to enter the relationship to gain the older man as a mentor, not as a sexual partner. This aggressive man and passive youth structure continued into sexual acts, with the older male acting as the dominant, penetrating partner, while the younger man was the passive receptive partner. According to cultural rules, however, it was considered emascul... parentage of any children the wife might give birth to after this time. In the realm of politics, a failure to serve or to fulfill ones duties was also a stain on the honor of the household and family- it is portrayed as much more public than the ideal private bond between lover and beloved. This manifestation of Celestial love benefited both the lover and beloved, as well as serving society by creating a strong bond that was characterized by its honor and virtue. This bond generated the most powerful form of loyalty a citizen man would experience, and he believes that more than any other loyalty, this love would make men honorable in battle, politics, and business in order to make their beloved proud. In turn, the beloved sought to learn form his mentor in order to become an honorable citizen and individual, eventually passing these values on to his own beloved.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Obama Care

OBAMA CARE Obama Care and health care reform is the same thing. The official name for â€Å"Obama Care† is the Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act, a bill signed into law to reform the health care industry. Some aspects of Obama Care health care reform are already enacted. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law March 23, 2010. Over 100 million Americans have already benefited from the new health care law.The Obama Care insurance requires that all insurance plans cover preventive services and stops insurance companies from dropping you when you are sick, as well as offering a number of other reforms and protections. Obama Care's goal is to provide affordable health insurance for all US citizens and to reduce the growth in health care spending. Obama Care does not replace private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. The Fact is that Obama Care gives 47 million women access to preventive health services and makes it illegal to charge women diff erent rates than men.Obama Care also gives seniors access to cheaper drugs, free preventive care, reforms Medicare Advantage, and closes the Medicare Part D. The AARP agrees, costs won't rise because of Obama Care, if anything, the improvements to the system will decrease the average cost of health care for seniors. Obama Care also states that â€Å"affordable insurance† means that you pay no more than 8% of your annual income on insurance. Obama Care ensures that there are no out-of-pocket costs on patients receiving mammograms and colonoscopies which are two of the most widely used forms of preventive health care.Obama Care's new Medicare Value-Based Purchasing Program means hospitals can lose or gain up to 1% of Medicare funding based on a quality v. quantity system. Hospitals are graded on a number of quality measures related to treatment of patients with heart attacks, heart failures, pneumonia, certain surgical issues, re-admittance rate, as well as patient satisfaction . Obama Care Mandates that those who choose not to purchase insurance will have to pay a tax â€Å"penalty† unless they qualify for an exemption. Exemptions from Obama Care's tax â€Å"penalty† mandate are available to a number of Americans.The mandate exemptions cover a variety of people, including: members of certain religious groups and Native American tribes; undocumented immigrants (who are not eligible for health insurance subsidies under the law); incarcerated individuals; people whose incomes are so low they don't have to file taxes (currently $9,500 for individuals and $19,000 for married couples); and people for whom health insurance is considered unaffordable (where insurance premiums after employer contributions and federal subsidies exceed 8% of family income).Starting Oct 1st, 2013 the Obama Care online health insurance exchange is where all Americans can buy affordable quality health insurance. Those under the 400% FPL and employers will be able to use s ubsidies to purchase plans at an average of 60% less than they pay now. The Obama Care Insurance Exchanges Online Market Place are implemented in 2014 health insurance premiums is projected to drop dramatically for many Americans. Low-income Americans will enjoy more Obama Care pros than cons.Since Obama Care works on a sliding scale most low income Americans, especially those without insurance, will see nothing but benefits. Medicaid expansion will cover over 15 million previously uninsured low-income individuals and families below the 133% FPL mark. All Americans (including Congress) will be able to buy their health insurance through the exchange as long as they are above the poverty level (those Americans will be covered under Medicaid expansion).Anyone (except congress) can opt out and keep their current health insurance, pay a tax, purchase private insurance or stay with their private health insurance company. The cons of Obama Care for low-income Americans are that some states will have the option of opting out of coverage for their poorest, despite 100% federal funding for the first year and 90% thereafter. In some cases rejecting Medicaid Expansion isn't just about saving money. It’s actually a politically driven move to â€Å"break† Obama Care.The opt-out is projected to leave 2 to 3 million low-income Americans without coverage. Some State reps are trying to â€Å"break† Obama Care. It's no secret a portion of the GOP wants to repeal Obama Care, they just so happen to have a strategic plan that includes â€Å"breaking† the Exchanges and Medicaid Expansion. Obama Care isn't just going to go away, but while the battle goes on Americans continue to be caught in the crossfire. It's also worth noting that the amount of uninsured Medicaid eligible Americans differs from State to State.Obama Care is projected to cost $1. 1 trillion over the next ten years, and in order for the program to work as intended this is going to include funding from the tax payers and from the States. However, the end result of Obama care spending is a $200 billion dollar reduction of the deficit over the next decade, states also receive between 90 – 100% of funding for most Obama Care related programs they set up. A few states including Nevada and Michigan have done studies that show how the States can save billions with Obama Care.Health Insurance companies stand to make billions, despite a loss on profit per plan, since they will be insuring millions of new Americans. In conclusion the Obama Care health care program will benefit all Americans from the bottom of the barrel to the top dogs in the congress. It will also help the US repair the economic deficit. The states that are trying to opt-out need to see the benefit of this plan. They are putting too much Infosys on money and not enough focus on the well-being of the American people. Clarence Boyd 16 April 2013 Obama Care OBAMA CARE Obama Care and health care reform is the same thing. The official name for â€Å"Obama Care† is the Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act, a bill signed into law to reform the health care industry. Some aspects of Obama Care health care reform are already enacted. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was signed into law March 23, 2010. Over 100 million Americans have already benefited from the new health care law.The Obama Care insurance requires that all insurance plans cover preventive services and stops insurance companies from dropping you when you are sick, as well as offering a number of other reforms and protections. Obama Care's goal is to provide affordable health insurance for all US citizens and to reduce the growth in health care spending. Obama Care does not replace private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. The Fact is that Obama Care gives 47 million women access to preventive health services and makes it illegal to charge women diff erent rates than men.Obama Care also gives seniors access to cheaper drugs, free preventive care, reforms Medicare Advantage, and closes the Medicare Part D. The AARP agrees, costs won't rise because of Obama Care, if anything, the improvements to the system will decrease the average cost of health care for seniors. Obama Care also states that â€Å"affordable insurance† means that you pay no more than 8% of your annual income on insurance. Obama Care ensures that there are no out-of-pocket costs on patients receiving mammograms and colonoscopies which are two of the most widely used forms of preventive health care.Obama Care's new Medicare Value-Based Purchasing Program means hospitals can lose or gain up to 1% of Medicare funding based on a quality v. quantity system. Hospitals are graded on a number of quality measures related to treatment of patients with heart attacks, heart failures, pneumonia, certain surgical issues, re-admittance rate, as well as patient satisfaction . Obama Care Mandates that those who choose not to purchase insurance will have to pay a tax â€Å"penalty† unless they qualify for an exemption. Exemptions from Obama Care's tax â€Å"penalty† mandate are available to a number of Americans.The mandate exemptions cover a variety of people, including: members of certain religious groups and Native American tribes; undocumented immigrants (who are not eligible for health insurance subsidies under the law); incarcerated individuals; people whose incomes are so low they don't have to file taxes (currently $9,500 for individuals and $19,000 for married couples); and people for whom health insurance is considered unaffordable (where insurance premiums after employer contributions and federal subsidies exceed 8% of family income).Starting Oct 1st, 2013 the Obama Care online health insurance exchange is where all Americans can buy affordable quality health insurance. Those under the 400% FPL and employers will be able to use s ubsidies to purchase plans at an average of 60% less than they pay now. The Obama Care Insurance Exchanges Online Market Place are implemented in 2014 health insurance premiums is projected to drop dramatically for many Americans. Low-income Americans will enjoy more Obama Care pros than cons.Since Obama Care works on a sliding scale most low income Americans, especially those without insurance, will see nothing but benefits. Medicaid expansion will cover over 15 million previously uninsured low-income individuals and families below the 133% FPL mark. All Americans (including Congress) will be able to buy their health insurance through the exchange as long as they are above the poverty level (those Americans will be covered under Medicaid expansion).Anyone (except congress) can opt out and keep their current health insurance, pay a tax, purchase private insurance or stay with their private health insurance company. The cons of Obama Care for low-income Americans are that some states will have the option of opting out of coverage for their poorest, despite 100% federal funding for the first year and 90% thereafter. In some cases rejecting Medicaid Expansion isn't just about saving money. It’s actually a politically driven move to â€Å"break† Obama Care.The opt-out is projected to leave 2 to 3 million low-income Americans without coverage. Some State reps are trying to â€Å"break† Obama Care. It's no secret a portion of the GOP wants to repeal Obama Care, they just so happen to have a strategic plan that includes â€Å"breaking† the Exchanges and Medicaid Expansion. Obama Care isn't just going to go away, but while the battle goes on Americans continue to be caught in the crossfire. It's also worth noting that the amount of uninsured Medicaid eligible Americans differs from State to State.Obama Care is projected to cost $1. 1 trillion over the next ten years, and in order for the program to work as intended this is going to include funding from the tax payers and from the States. However, the end result of Obama care spending is a $200 billion dollar reduction of the deficit over the next decade, states also receive between 90 – 100% of funding for most Obama Care related programs they set up. A few states including Nevada and Michigan have done studies that show how the States can save billions with Obama Care.Health Insurance companies stand to make billions, despite a loss on profit per plan, since they will be insuring millions of new Americans. In conclusion the Obama Care health care program will benefit all Americans from the bottom of the barrel to the top dogs in the congress. It will also help the US repair the economic deficit. The states that are trying to opt-out need to see the benefit of this plan. They are putting too much Infosys on money and not enough focus on the well-being of the American people. Clarence Boyd 16 April 2013

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Using Porters Five Forces Model to Evaluate Movie Rentals

Using Porters Five Forces Model to Evaluate Movie Rentals Free Online Research Papers One hotly contested and highly competitive industry is the movie rental business. You can rent videos from local video rental stores, you can order pay-per-view from the comfort of your own home, and you can rent videos from the Web at such sites as NetFlix. Using Porters Five Forces Model, evaluate the relative attractiveness of entering the movie rental business. Is buyer power low or high? Is supplier power low or high? Which substitute products and services are perceived as threats? Can new entrants easily enter the market? What are the barriers to entry? What is the level of rivalry among existing competitors? What is your overall view of the movie rental business? Is it a good or bad industry to enter? Why? The model I will be using to evaluate the relative attractiveness of entering the movie rental business is the Redbox model. Redbox has become a leader in kiosk DVD rentals with low prices and ease of renting movies. Buying power is high in the general video market because there are many choices for consumers. However Redbox because of their low overhead costs, machines versus people, they can offer their product at a lower price giving them a competitive advantage. Even though prices for newer types of DVD’s (Blu-ray) have gone up, consumers are still only willing to pay a set price for that product, so companies make less of a profit on each sale, Supplier power is low because there are only a few distributors and they all sell their products at similar price levels. The bargaining power of the customer determines the pressure customers put on a particular market. Redbox’s business model considers this in the following ways: Customers generally do not buy large volumes of the product. There are only a few operators in the industry. The fixed cost by suppliers is high, but this applies to competitors as well. There is really no legal substitute for the product. Customers are price-sensitive, but Redbox provides the product cheaper then all of its competitors. Customers cannot produce the product. The product is of strategically importance – entertainment. The threat of alternative products does not exist. It is only the distribution of the product that has alternative modes. The customer gets the same brand of the same quality with Redbox as with any other seller in the industry. There is no notable difference in the price for performance – except the ease of obtaining Redbox’s products. One of the downsides of the Redbox model is there is no direct customer service. However, customer service can be accessed online but it is not immediate. Redbox’s business model deals with the different pressures of new entrants in the following ways: Competition would have to develop an enterprise of significant size to be considered a threat. The have secured many of the prize locations for their kiosks (Wal-Mart, McDonald’s, Walgreen’s). A company would be hard pressed to find better locations to compete on the same level as redbox. Considering the volume of hardware, software and personnel; the initial cost to competitors would be very high. The machines are extremely expensive plus having the software and personnel to run them are another cost barrier. Existing competitors, (Blockbusters, Netflix) though experienced, are not prepared to compete in a kiosk rental capacity. But Blockbuster is moving in that direction. Blockbuster has said that they will close some of their stores and put in kiosks instead. The new business will be called Blockbuster Express. The loyalty in this industry is to the product, not the distributor. Existing competitors will have to completely reinvent their business to compete in that market. Most competitors’ strategies are out-dated and are playing catch up to Redbox’s business model, The product is the same between competitors; it is Redbox’s kiosk presence and price point that makes it more attractive. The market growth is constant. Rivalry among competitors is very high and they are always looking for more ways to bring the customer to them and away from the competition. They use advertising, promotions, and price cuts to get customers to use them. Redbox has done a good job of competing by using the low price of its product verses its competition. Before Redbox, an average rental was between three and four dollars for one or two nights. With redbox lowering the price to one dollar a night and using the convenience of an ATM style platform, it set the competitors scrambling to match that price point. I have a different view of the movie industry then most because I have owned my own video rental store for the last ten years. When I first started out, we only had VHS tapes and they were very expensive to buy for rentals, but this was offset by the fact that you could not buy new releases at Wal-Mart for 30 to 45 days after their initial release. So the customer had to rent from you, if they wanted to see the movie sooner. With the invention of the DVD, the studios began selling to Wal-Mart on the same day it came out at the video store. So now customers could buy it instead of renting it. For the store, my cost came down, but so did the profits. Then with Redbox entering the market the total price point changed. The dollar price point does not leave much room for profit unless there is a large turnover. The small mom and pop stores are hard pressed to compete in this market because they can not buy in volume or sell as many products to make it affordable. The movie rental business is still a good business to enter because there will always be a demand for movie rentals. Not everyone is interested in owning all of the movies that come out. However, if I were starting my business today, I would not open a brick and mortar store; I would try to get into the kiosk market. However, I would do it in a way that would be unique. I would enter smaller markets with less competition and sell my product at a higher price than Redbox, but cheaper then the brick and mortar stores. I would also offer movies that are hard to get or have a cult following, such as John Wayne movies. The movie rental business is not dead, but the rules have definitely changed. Research Papers on Using Porter's Five Forces Model to Evaluate Movie RentalsAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanDefinition of Export QuotasMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfOpen Architechture a white paperWhere Wild and West MeetNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NicePETSTEL analysis of India

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Global operations Management

Global operations Management Introduction The success of PPQ Parts in investing globally depends on the effectiveness of its strategic plan. The plan acts as the company’s map of trade. It should incorporate an environmental scanning report of contemporary circumstances in the region of expansion, internal resource analysis, strategic goals, and analysis of the benefits and disadvantages for expansion in the chosen regions (Stair and Stair, 2006).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Global operations Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Environmental Scanning Factors that determine the outcome of an environmental scanning include the economy, competition, and political stability. Others include social forces, technology and regulatory bodies. Notably, PPQ Parts need to analysis the status of these factors in the region. The customers’ expectations and spending habits can determine trading patterns in the region (Kamp, 2007). The company, for example, cannot trade in pork or its products while expecting to win customers in Arabia. It is a business suicide to trade in the products in the region. In addition to the religious and social believes, the political climate plays similar roles. Politics defines, among others, channels of communication, viable businesses, and taxation policies. For example, a change from labour to conservative government affects taxation and may result to increase in prices. International business regulatory bodies are at the fore-front of encouraging global trade. Governments are also increasingly signing trade agreements. These are beneficial for the success of international trade. However, a few countries still preserve the traditional trade restriction policies (Kamp, B. (2007). Some countries levy heavy taxes or impose quotas on foreign investors. Additionally, the impact of technology is essential. Internet is making global trade easy to manage. The willingness of the locals to appreciate technology, however, has the potential of determining business success. PPQ Parts can trade in countries such as Germany or Japan with easiness. The countries boast of developed infrastructure and appreciate technology. Nevertheless, the development influences the establishment of strategic companies leading to unhealthy competition. Internal Resource Analysis Strengths and Opportunities PPQ Parts has the necessary tangible and intangible resources. It also has the ability to manage the resources, especially locally. Currently, it has 5,000 employees in the United States. The company has an average profit barging of 6%. This is equal with the industry’s profit margin. PPQ Parts has experienced managers who understand the market. They have set to achieve 13% profit margin in 4 years, which is realizable. PPQ Parts has therefore has built a strong capital base in the United States. The resource it currently utilizes has helped it attain the profit margin of 6%. On t he other hand, the company has weaknesses. It also faces threats and needs to address them. Weaknesses and Threats Particularity, PPQ Parts’ staff has little knowledge and experience in managing global businesses. It, therefore, must train them. Moreover, it needs to recruit 5, 000 new employees. The rate of employee turnover, which is an averagely 28%, further complicates the issues. It is higher than the industry’s turnover rate, which is 25%. The company should reduce the rate to save costs. Another challenge is the shortage of business facilities.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It needs to build 20% of these in the United States. The rest it should build in different countries. The management and financing of the project building project is expensive. Further, the company’s stock price of $10 is inadequate to raise the required funds. More over, PPQ Parts faces competition from firms that operate chain stores globally. The firms include Wal-Mart and Ford Motors. Strategic planning is of essence for the company to succeed (Bensoussan and Fleisher, 2008). Short-Term and Long-Term Strategic Goals Setting goals not only will help PPQ Parts to achieve its mission, but also surpass its target (Objectives and Goal Setting, n.d.). PPQ Parts has a broad mandate that should be converted into actions. The plans should either be long-term or short- term. Short Term Goals PPQ Parts should dedicate the first and second year of trade for infrastructural development. In the first year, it should build 25% of the required facilities and rent an equal number. It should use 10% of its revenue in paying the rent. The amount should however increase to 20% in the preceding year. The company should have built 25% of the trading facilities by the end of the first year and 50% by the end of second year. Similarly, PPQ Parts should increase th e number of employees in the same ratio. They should be trained prior to posting to respective areas of work. Besides, it should increase employees’ salaries to reduce labour turnover to from 28% to 17% or less annually. The company also needs to boost its charity work. The established global competitors have built strong corporate values due to their effective corporate policies. The funding should increase to 1 percent of profits. It should allocate 0.5% of the allocation to the global customers’ kitty. It should also strive to formulate joint ventures to reduce the costs and strengthen its global presence. Long Term Goals At the beginning of the third year, PPQ Parts should have built a respectable global brand name. It should also have built offices in the first 10 countries in its implementation list. Further, it should have increased its presence online to attract and win more clients. During the period, it should begin giving out free samples and discount packag es to brand loyal customers. At beginning of the forth year, the company should reduce the rent payable to 5% of profits. Besides, construction of the remaining 10% of the facilities should be underway. The building project should be complete by the end of the forth year. Shortage of funds for accomplishing this should be addressed by borrowing from the Emergency Funds Account. In case there are inadequate funds in the kitty, the company shall take a loan from its main bank.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Global operations Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Location consideration These projections can give profitable results. However, that is subject to the status of the business location. Income taxes and sales levies differ from state to state. Rent, economic policies, and employee education levels also differ from place to place. These are challenges for businesses. Depending on the demand, operation co st, and price of the goods, a trader may find an area either suitable or not (Choosing a Location for Your Business, n.d). Other factors that define the suitability of a location are culture, infrastructure, and security. While there are areas where people are highly conservative and do not appreciate innovation and science, there are also places where the people are easier to relate with. Globalization has opened the space for communication therefore reducing impacts of conservative cultures. Trade agreements are likewise making international trade vastly realistic (Wheelen and Hunger, 2012). Conclusion PPQ Parts has outstanding strengths and the opportunity to invest globally. It has an established asset base and a management that understands the need for further training. The management also has valuable information that specialists can evaluate and present proficiently worked strategies. PPQ Parts therefore has the capacity to manage its threats and weakness. References Bensouss an, B. E., Fleisher, C. S. (2008). Analysis without Paralysis: 10 Tools to Make Better Strategic Decisions. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: FT Press. Choosing a Location for Your Business: Theres More to Consider Than Just Cost. (n.d.). Entrepreneurs. Retrieved from Kamp, B. (2007). Location Behaviour and Relationship Stability in International Business Networks. London: Routledge. Objectives and Goal Setting | MyStrategicPlan Resources. (n.d.). MyStrategicPlan | Strategic Planning Software. Retrieved from Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Stair, L. B., Stair, L. (2006). Careers in Business (5th ed.). New York: McGraw- Hill. Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D. (2012). Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy: Toward Global Sustainability (13th ed.). Upper Saddle, N.J.: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Debate Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Debate - Coursework Example The debate that has been taking place for several years in the case of international trade is whether free trade should be encouraged or nations should adopt trade policies. Free trade is more beneficial for a nation than adoption of trade protection policies because free trade leads to increase in exports of developing regions and it even leads betterment of the living standards of people living in developing nations. Body Restrictions on trade levied by governments in order to protect local organizations should be removed since such restrictions harm local organizations and free trade assists local organizations in development and increases exports. According to Vernon, organizations first develop a good or service for their own domestic region and later when the product becomes highly popular, they tend to develop these products in other nations that are equally developed as compared to the host nations, later when the competition between the same products produced by developed na tions elevate, the manufacturers tend to start producing the same product in under developed or developing nations (PENG, 2009, p.156). Goods are mostly produced at lower cost in developing regions, due to this, citizens and businesses of developed regions purchase the same goods from developing regions. For example: the photocopier machine was first produced in the region of United States and they used to export them to developed regions such as Japan and Western side of Europe, later due to increase in demand, these photocopiers were even produced in these developed regions with the assistance of joint ventures between host nation organizations and organizations in United States (Steers, 2006,p.37). Later the photocopier was even produced by competing organizations in Japan and Western Europe which leads to a decline in imports of US produced photocopiers. Due to this, organizations in developed nations started looking towards producing photocopiers in developing nations in order to reduce production cost. When photocopiers started being manufactured in developing nations, organizations in developed nations started importing them from developing nations. Free trade can assist in solving the economic issue of scarcity for both developing and developed nations; due to this it should be promoted. Certain nations have abundant amount of certain resources and skills, while other nations may experience a scarcity of those resources and skills. The comparative advantage theory of Ricardo states that nations should produce more of those goods for which they have more resources and can produce them in an efficient manner (PENG, 2009, p.152). If one nation experiences scarcity of certain resources and cannot produce certain goods and services in an efficient manner, they will end up experiencing a shortage of those goods and those goods will no longer be in the reach of all of the citizens of a nation and will only be accessible to those who have more money. A major b enefit of free trade is that it leads to decrease in prices of goods and services for consumers and goods become easily accessible. Due to this nations should concentrate on producing more of those goods that they can produce efficiently and exchange them with

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Oil and Gas Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Oil and Gas Management - Essay Example However things are not as simple as they might look. According to various examples and researches it is believed that countries that enjoy abundance in resources are on average less likely to attain economic development in comparison with countries that do not (Heum, Kasande, Ekern, and Nyombi, 2011). Porter (1985) has explored the progressions of various combinations of actions or activities that are performed in order to come up with the final product for the customers. The process involved different actions and services carried out on the specific product from beginning till the end i.e. from extracting the product till the product is manufactured and later distributed to the final customers. However the analysis of Porter can be significantly applied to separate entity or firm (single firm) and can also be applied on number of firms or organizations keeping one thing under consideration i.e. their interconnections amongst each other in the supply chain context or in simple words the link among manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and customers in a specific area or globally (Tordo, Tracy, and Arfaa, 2011). Meanwhile the value chain supply system of the oil and gas industry with reference to social value creation has been highlighted below Oil and gas sector value chain comprises of various procedures initiating from development, processing, transporting and marketing of the product (oil) to the end user or consumers. The process of value chain in the oil and gas sector begins from allocating areas in order to later search or explore those areas for oil and gas. However soon after the basic search for oil or gas, evaluations are carried out on the grounds or fields; development and production are the other two things that are carried out later. The overall procedure is also known as Exploration and Production (E&P) or in other words it is also known as